September 29th, 2015 Oh Dear! Uh, No Sweetie

September 29th, 2015 Oh Dear! Uh, No Sweetie

After very little sleep last night, today was a challenge to say the least. Thank goodness I have a good friend helping me with Noah. A few adjustments made and it looks like tonight will be a much better experience for everyone.

There's plenty of things I'm wanting to write about, but I'll need to wait. The opportunity for me to get to sleep is now. I better take it. It was a really solid day.

Good food, good support interactions, including my Tuesday night support group conference call,  a wonderful workout and great Noah time. Noah and I ran errands together. To the pharmacy where he was offered a sucker. He loved the sucker--and tried to get me to try it... oh dear! Uh, no sweetie, grandpa doesn't need that. It's yours!! We made our way to the grocery store for a little shopping and then we stopped at another store for jumbo crayons and coloring books. Yay! 

Tweets can take it the rest of the way. I'm so glad Noah is cooperating with bedtime. Hitting the pillow with that solid day feeling.

Tomorrow is my bi-weekly maintenance weigh-in. It'll be okay no matter what the scale says.

My Tweets Today:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,