September 18th, 2015 Recognize Reality

September 18th, 2015 Recognize Reality

I knew this week would be challenging. I'm not sure I realized how much. I finished my location broadcast this evening with a clear plan in mind: Get into the Y for a great workout, then get home and cook a great dinner. Before I reached the YMCA, I realized I had an urgent production project I had to finish asap. No problem, I had time. I would stop by the studio, finish the project and head to the Y. I finished the project in less than 45 minutes--still time, then storms started building again. Our station takes pride in doing well with weather coverage. It's important around here! By the time I finished, it was too late to get into the Y. I was tired and hungry. And getting outside to run in even light to moderate thundershowers isn't a good plan. 

I'm allowing myself to be okay with my nearly non-existent exercise schedule this week. I'm treating it the same way I did several months ago when I came down sick. It happens. Thank goodness it doesn't very often, but it happens. I've not taken the best care and approach with this schedule, that's for sure. The good thing is, it's a very unusual circumstance, a once a year type week.

The great news for me is, I get to sleep in tomorrow morning. I have six hours straight of location broadcasts, but that doesn't start until 1pm. Not only can I sleep in, I'll have an opportunity to do something rare for me--get my training run in early, before noon! The big Carter's Run 5K is a week away. I must make the next week count in order to fully be ready to run the entire thing without stopping or walking. I've proven to myself that I can do 25 minutes. Now, I'll need to add about 12 more minutes. I'm confident I can and will.

Throughout this crazy week, it's very clear what things I will sacrifice. And it's very clear what things require maintaining no matter what the circumstance. I've obviously allowed my exercise schedule to suffer. My sleep schedule has also suffered (shouldn't be on this list--I know). The things I refuse to bend: My abstinence from refined sugar, maintaining the integrity of my calorie budget, logging with MyFitnessPal, maintaining my accountability Tweets, writing this blog each night and active participation in private one on one and group support communications each day. Those iron-clad-non-negotiable elements serve as a foundation. Even when other elements become unstable, this foundation seems to give me what I need to survive. When there's no need for sacrifice, I can survive and thrive.

 photo Chair and me_zpsnpuodxh9.jpg
From a few months back: Sitting in this "fixed arm" chair was significant to me. It's the very style of chair I avoided my entire life. It's still strange to look at this picture and realize how physically small I've become. When you come from this...
 photo oldsean.jpg takes some mental adjustments to properly recognize reality. This photo includes three broadcasting colleagues of mine: Chris Johnson, Ryan Diamond and Steve Daniels. We were on location in Guthrie, Oklahoma, broadcasting in November 2007 at Oklahoma's Centennial Celebration. This full body 500+ pound before shot is one of the best representations of my pre-weight loss size.

My goodness, I'm looking forward to sleeping until I naturally wake in the morning. No alarms for this kid! Not tomorrow! I'm also looking forward to the cool training run at the trail sometime before noon. I better get to bed!

I know I say it a bunch, but it's worth repeating. I sincerely appreciate you taking the time to read about and follow my trek along this transformation road.

My Tweets Today:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,