August 9th, 2015 Where The Focus Shifts

August 9th, 2015 Where The Focus Shifts

There are many differences between then and now. I've been here before, well, actually--I don't think I dropped to 220 before--but numbers aside, I've been here-where the focus shifts to maintenance.

I didn't have what I have now, in November 2010. I didn't have the tools. I didn't have the experience. I didn't have the proper perspective. I had no fear of relapse/regain because I had simply declared, "I'm never going back." A declaration made with absolutely zero clue of how to back it up. 

I felt great. And naturally, I expected to maintain good choices and exercise regularly, but it wasn't supported with structure. The accountability/support system I've structured today didn't exist. I was walking a tight rope without a net.

Today, I've made sure I have a net and a safety harness and plenty of support all around. I'm not alone. One of the big things I've learned (there are several) is the importance of building our individual accountability/support structure.

Another big thing I've learned is, I don't know it all. I don't have all the answers. And my continued success in maintenance isn't guaranteed.

In this understanding comes the greatest possibility of continued recovery. There's a healthy amount of fear, because unlike before, I now know how quickly things can change.

There's no surprises lurking. If I stop holding sacred the fundamental elements of my recovery, then I'm effectively giving back the peace and freedom I've come to enjoy these days.

I hope and pray I don't stop, ever. I didn't today. I'm not planning on stopping tomorrow.

I prepared some good meals today. I maintained the integrity of my plan. I exercised well. I jogged for FIVE MINUTES STRAIGHT!!! That wasn't easy. And I was active in direct one on one support with several others along this road. For me, that's a solid day.

I'll let the Tweets share the rest...While I go get some rest. Goodnight, my friend.

My Tweets Today:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,