October 5th, 2015 Not So Fast

October 5th, 2015 Not So Fast

I was having a really good day. The fundamental elements of my recovery and maintenance were firmly in place today. Work was great. Support interactions were wonderful. The Monday night teleconference support group I co-facilitate with Life Coach Gerri was super. Then the medical issue I've written about recently, started flaring and immediately the pain worsened. Remember, it was getting better, I thought. Not so fast, apparently.

My plans for an excellent workout at the YMCA and my Winning Loser Video Blog Episode 2.5 was scrapped when my minor medical condition decided to feel like a major one. 

I don't want to come right out and identify what it is, because it feels like T.M.I...and seriously, some might be eating breakfast while reading this. I will say this, one of my childhood sports heroes had to miss playing in some World Series games because of this very ailment.

I'm in some serious pain tonight. It's a can't get comfortable type of pain. I'm opting for some pain medication and hoping for sleep. I have a doctor's appointment for this issue on Wednesday and I have a feeling it might include a referral to a surgeon who specializes in this type of thing. I hope not. However, whatever gets me back to being pain free, let's do it, is my attitude.

I'm calling it a night and letting the Tweets take it the rest of the way.

My Tweets Today:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,