September 8th, 2015 Because It Does

September 8th, 2015 Because It Does

It's been a super long day. I've committed to give my sleep schedule the same importance level as my abstinence from refined sugar.

Before I committed to abstinence from refined sugar, I heard from several who were living it and had for many years. Their experiences were all strikingly similar--the peace, the calm--the urges to binge fade away, and everyone of them had successful weight maintenance in common.

Now I'm hearing from and reaching out to people who give their rest the same importance level. And they're all describing strikingly similar benefits, as you might imagine. And everyone of them seem to have greater focus and getting more done each day, in common.

I didn't fully appreciate the words and experiences of the sugar abstinent until I gave it an honest try. Then, everything I was told about it was explicitly/similarly confirmed. And I've been abstinent for over 500 days. I protect it like my life depends on it. Because it does.

If I'm going to fully appreciate what the well rested crowd enjoy each day, I must give it an honest shot and the same importance level. I have a feeling everything I've heard about it will be explicitly/similarly confirmed. 

I'm going to protect it like my quality of life depends on it. Because it does.

Goodnight! I'm letting the tweets take it the rest of the way tonight.

My Tweets Today:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,