September 19th, 2015 Selfie Saturday

September 19th, 2015 Selfie Saturday

I enjoyed a full eight hours sleep last night. I felt really well this morning. My plan for the day came together quickly and just how I planned. That's a rarity. I did my training run at the trail this morning in sixty-four degree weather. It was beautiful! I'm still amazed at being able to jog for 25 minutes straight. Carter's Run for Autism is exactly a week away. I'm completely confident I'll be jogging the 5K without walking or stopping. I cannot miss a training run this upcoming week leading up to the day. I must add about twelve minutes to the stretch. I can do it. It will be done.

I noticed a facebook friend of mine posting #saturdayselfies this morning. Is this a thing? Is Saturday the most popular day for selfies? Perhaps. I participated! 

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Saturday Selfie Day started immediately after this morning's training run. I look at this picture and I realize, A: I need a haircut. And B: I need my eyebrows trimmed. And oh my--is that a grey hair???? And C: Need hair color. I'm kidding--I have a few gray hairs and I'm not the least bit worried about it. Okay--maybe a tiny bit. But not obsessively so.

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Full Body Mirror Saturday Selfie. What kind of crazy look is this? Intense--Geez. I was doing a location broadcast from a clothing store. Mirrors were all over the place.

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Not a selfie. Me with a cute little dog at the Paws First Humane Society event next door from my first location broadcast this afternoon..

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Okay, enough with the Selfie Saturday!!

Okay, just one more...

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Dalley is a longtime listener of my radio show. Great kid! Thanks for the Saturday Selfie, Dalley!

My second broadcast this afternoon was at the Kay County Fair. Part of my plan today included eating a late lunch from the food vendors. I've been broadcasting from this fair all week, so I've had plenty of time to study the available options. I settled on some fried green tomatoes and fajita beef soft corn tortilla tacos. It was exceptional!

Tired tonight, as expected. My eight hours sleep from last night started wearing off about 8:30pm.

It was a fun Saturday. And my Oklahoma State Cowboys won their game. I hope yours was good, too!

Letting the Tweets take it the rest of the way...

My Tweets Today:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,