This getting to bed earlier is working well. Except for tonight. I missed my 10pm goal. I've given myself 15 minutes to get this written and posted. I've made it two days in a row without some kind of nap. And it's helping me be more productive.
The past two days have coincidentally been very busy at the studio, so I've needed every bit of extra energy!
Weigh day this morning was a great experience. I felt really well stepping on the scale.
Down four tenths of a pound. I'm counting this as a maintain! I've decided to leave my daily calorie budget at 2,300 and immediately start weighing every two weeks instead of every week. I'm fully expecting to increase the calories even further as I get more into certain workouts in my near future.
I'm still having a difficult time psychologically processing this calorie level. Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful--no complaints--but I've always been convinced that I'd be gaining with this kind of calorie budget. 2,300 of what I'm eating these days feels like too much, sometimes. My body has changed and obviously my metabolic rate has increased significantly. The thought of adding more calories than this, seems crazy to me. We'll see how it all goes.
It's way back Wednesday time!
#WBW Loaded with birthday cash--somewhere in early 30's, I'm guessing. 500 pounds-plus some. Always the comedian! I could describe how I was actually feeling underneath the fun goofiness in this picture. But I'm just going to enjoy the goofy face this time. You know, I look at this picture and I love that guy. If I could go back in time in some kind of Back To The Future way, I'd give him a big hug and tell him that he was alright and that things can and will get better. Oh my goodness, I'm crying now. Geez.
Goodnight, my friends.
My Tweets Today:
French Roast with half & half (2 tblspns) X 2 cups. Good Wednesday morning! 80 cal.— Sean Anderson (@SeanAAnderson) September 2, 2015
Down .4 & counting that as a good maintenance week. Still 217! Will go to bi-weekly weigh-ins & remain at 2,300 cal.— Sean Anderson (@SeanAAnderson) September 2, 2015
— Sean Anderson (@SeanAAnderson) September 2, 2015
Avocado omelet w/2 whl-2 whts, 85g avocado w/salt & pepper, 4.8oz pear & 265g red seedless grapes. 538 cal.— Sean Anderson (@SeanAAnderson) September 2, 2015
Afternoon beverages. 3 cups water #wateraccountability & venti dark roast pour over w/3 tblspns half & half. 60 cal.— Sean Anderson (@SeanAAnderson) September 2, 2015
Linguini Alfredo w/4oz whole grain linguini & 2.5 srv reduced fat alfredo sauce. 6.6oz Bartlett pear. 616 cal.— Sean Anderson (@SeanAAnderson) September 2, 2015
Workout time. Elliptical day. 3 cups water. #wateraccountability— Sean Anderson (@SeanAAnderson) September 2, 2015
— Sean Anderson (@SeanAAnderson) September 3, 2015
Holdover until dinner. Pecans, peanuts, pistachios, almonds & hazelnuts plus a string cheese. 320 cal.— Sean Anderson (@SeanAAnderson) September 3, 2015
2 cups with dinner. #wateraccountability This makes 11 cups today! Smashing #watergoal— Sean Anderson (@SeanAAnderson) September 3, 2015
Simple beef tacos w/8oz 96% lean beef, lettuce, 14g shredded cheddar-jack cheese, salsa & 30g lght sr crm. 573 cal.— Sean Anderson (@SeanAAnderson) September 3, 2015
After dinner cup with two tablespoons half & half. 40 cal.— Sean Anderson (@SeanAAnderson) September 3, 2015
4.25oz peach & 40g red grapes. #lastfoodofday 73 cal.— Sean Anderson (@SeanAAnderson) September 3, 2015
Just because, Measured 26 calories worth of red grapes in order to nail the calorie budget square. Good day!— Sean Anderson (@SeanAAnderson) September 3, 2015
Thank you for reading and your continued support,