August 29th, 2015 Until Today

August 29th, 2015 Until Today

Life Coach Gerri Helms has been a positive influence on me for five years. Her weekly coaching sessions took me through the process of writing Transformation Road-My Trip To Over 500 Pounds and Back. I remember her asking, how long do you think you need to write this book? My answer was 90 days. It took a year. And she held on. Without her encouragement, I can't say for certain if I would have ever finished that project.

After the book, we continued a mutual support relationship. And when I stopped writing, stopped doing everything that worked well for me--and started slipping fast, I didn't want to hear from her.

She was a voice of truth. And in the middle of relapse/regain, I didn't want to hear the truth. She wouldn't give up on me, ever. She knew, instinctively and by experience, the struggle I was experiencing and still, despite my resistance to all things good during that time, she wouldn't let go.

I owe her persistence and genuine caring a large debt of gratitude because without her influence and teachings, I'm not so sure I'd be where I am today.

Thanks to modern technology, we've developed our relationship quite well over the last five years and work together co-facilitating our two teleconference support groups--but still, we had never met face to face. Until today.
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Gerri and her husband Dave made the trip to my hometown today. They're in the Oklahoma City area for a few days, so being an hour away--there was no way we were missing this opportunity. We embraced in a great big hug outside the restaurant where we agreed to meet for lunch and then proceeded to visit all afternoon. I even had the chance to show them around my hometown--taking them to where I grew up, showing them the places that mean so much to me. It was all capped with coffee and more conversation at Starbucks. It was a fantastic afternoon.

After we parted, I hit the trail at Boomer Lake for a good 5K walk/jog--and mostly brisk walk. It was 95% brisk walk because I forgot to bring my change of clothes--and these jeans are loose on me--even just walking, I had to pull them up regularly. I almost let this keep me from the exercise. I'm glad I didn't. I needed a good one today. 

I spent the evening with Mom. I planned to cook for her, but we ended up opting for dinner out. I normally don't dine out two meals in the same day, but I made a good exception tonight.
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Mom is doing so well. She's walking at least five days a week and maintaining a good calorie budget--and she's losing weight. I'm excited for her and very proud of her! You can see her progress in the mother/son selfie.

I'll be seeing Gerri and Dave again tomorrow as they travel to my neck of the woods. I plan on giving them a tour of the studios where I work. We're catching up!

My Tweets Today:


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