August 17th, 2015 A Different Focus

August 17th, 2015 A Different Focus

Last night was turbulent. The tossing and turning and waking-- It isn't the little guy's fault. He's not accustomed to sleeping here.

He's finally asleep tonight and I'm right behind him.

This is day two in a row of not hitting my exercise goal. I'm simply acknowledging--not beating myself up over it. 

If hitting 2,000 cal a day, eating out three nights in a row (Fri-Sun) and now having two consecutive days of no workouts, still results in any kind of loss at all--it's definitely time for some changes!

I'll likely gain a little. And that'll be just fine. (No really--it'll be okay...I say with a straight face...I won't get all weird about it... okay, maybe a little weird..but that's me, I mean-- we'll see...that's Wednesday, tomorrow's Tuesday---Geez Louise, one day at a time, Sean!!!).

Seriously, out of perrentacies, It's a different focus--a different perspective, now.

I maintained the integrity of my calorie budget, I maintained my abstinence from sugar and I exceeded my water goal today. It's always a good day when I can hit the pillow knowing I did all three of those.

My Tweets Today:

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