July 13th, 2015 This Day Was Coming

July 13th, 2015 This Day Was Coming

I kind of knew the day was coming. It was in the back of my mind for awhile. The evolution of my food choices has happened, unfolded, gradually over the last six and a half years and really kicked into another gear when I started this turnaround from relapse/regain. I'm proud of what I eat. And honestly, I can say without hesitation or question-- everything I eat, I love. And that has always been a requirement for me. If I don't like it, I'm not eating it--I don't care how good it is for me. I eat what I like and nothing I don't has been a mantra of sorts since day 1 on September 15th, 2008.

This day was coming. Of course, my choices must fit the boundaries I've set for my plan...within my calorie budget, refined sugar free and preferably whole foods...or as I like to call them, foods without an ingredients list: An apple is an apple, an egg is an egg, an avocado is an avocado, beef is beef, chicken is chicken. The more foods I can eat without an ingredients list, the better. Not that all ingredients lists are bad--they're most certainly not. And I eat my fair share of foods with ingredient lists.

I know of one that I consume on a regular basis that is chemically closer to plastic than actual food. And I do like it, a lot. I gave up the non-dairy sugar free hazelnut creamer today.

I've replaced it with half and half and hazelnut extract. I also bought some pure almond extract. Aside from the long and hard to pronounce ingredients list, the sugar free hazelnut creamer contained some kind of artificial sweetener and I think that's what I missed today. My coffee wasn't as sweet. Still good, but not as sweet.

Consuming the non-dairy/sugar free creamer over the last sixteen months didn't seem to hinder my weight loss or create any other issues, but for me--it's time to let it go. I truly feel good about the decision.

Honestly, I was becoming rather addicted to it. Likely still am. I mean really--I would carry around a little baggie of it in my murse (man-purse) at all times, just in case a cup of coffee happened. And having it with me made it more likely a coffee would happen--because I would make it happen.

The foods and things I eat are unique to me and my personal evolution of choices. When I started losing weight, I couldn't eat then, the way I eat now. It would have been too foreign to me. During my initial 275 pound loss, I regularly made McDoubles (no cheese) and a small fries (535 calories) a meal and that was where I was along this road...and it was fine, it was right where I needed to be.

I'm a firm believer in taking care of this personal evolution of choices and never comparing what you're doing to what someone else is doing. My normal isn't anyone else's. Where I am is unique to me and if I try to force myself out of my natural rhythm prematurely, then it'll likely get very challenging. Sometimes I'll get a request for menus. I don't do that because what I eat may not be what you like. Now, if you love what I eat and get some ideas for your own food--great.

If you love the sugar free hazelnut creamer, by all means--enjoy!! And if someday you decide to try something different, good for you! I just feel it's a good time for me to try something different.

I had a great food day today. Prepared my meals and made sure to finish dinner early enough to get on the Monday night support group conference call--then to dress rehearsal on time for the reviewer.

The play is coming together exceptionally well. I hope to share more photos from the stage later this week.

I make room in my daily calorie budget for a small banana and almonds snack during the cafeteria scene. I plan on doing that through the rest of rehearsals and performances.

I tweaked a muscle tonight during a party scene where I'm dancing. Headed to bed for some good rest and I'm hoping it's better in the morning.

My Tweets Today:

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