July 12th, 2015 On Constant Watch

July 12th, 2015 On Constant Watch

One of the biggest blessings to come from this turnaround has been the ability to sleep well. I woke after seven and a half hours last night and felt great. Anyone who has experienced the ravaging effects of sleep apnea knows exactly what I'm talking about. If you're using your C-PAP and it fits well and works the way it's designed to work, you know what I mean. The difference is night and day. For me to sleep without a C-PAP and sleep well, breathing normally, and waking to the unmistakable feeling of being properly rested, is just miraculous. I'm very grateful. I also know from experience that my sleep apnea symptoms could very well resurface, even at a healthy weight. I hope and pray they don't. If they do, I'll get treatment. It's certainly something not to be ignored, ever. And I'm on constant watch, a high level of awareness, just in case.

Today was a rest day of sorts even with a workout. I took time to relax, prepare an exceptional Sunday brunch and relax some more. After yesterday's schedule and event--and mainly the moving of the equipment, I needed time to recover.

I made it to the YMCA today for a good cardio workout. I could tell I was feeling sore from the natural workout I received yesterday, so I opted for cardio only. And perhaps it was because of the soreness or maybe because of all the missed workouts last week, but wow--level 19 on the elliptical ride really challenged me today.

I made my way to Stillwater in order to finally get together with mom for her birthday dinner out. Her birthday was Thursday, we celebrated tonight with dinner and a good, albeit short, visit.
 photo A Mom Birthday dinner selfie_zpsepvllrqg.jpg
Mom doesn't look 70 at all. And no, she doesn't color her hair! We have a collection of mother/son selfies--this one from tonight as we were leaving the restaurant.

Our server tonight kind of looked at me sideways a couple of times as I was ordering with plenty of special requests. It wasn't anything different than how I always order the ingredients for chicken fajita crispy tacos... No beans, no rice, no cheese, no peppers and onions, no pico, no flour tortillas--empty corn taco shells instead--with a side of lettuce and sour cream. This order is why my favorite Mexican place close to where I live, only charges me six bucks plus tax... Chicken, lettuce, sour cream and taco shells. I do get tired of them occasionally--and when I do, I prepare something else at home--or order something else out.

I like the chicken fajita crispy tacos for a variety of reasons. The calorie count/calorie value is outstanding. The creaminess of the sour cream, the crunch of the shell, the coolness of the lettuce and the warmth of the chicken--it all combines to make a very flavorful and satisfying experience. The chicken from the place (one of our favorites) we dined this evening is the best I've had. The flavor is above and beyond any other I've tried.

Tomorrow starts a very busy week with play rehearsal, dress rehearsal and performances starting Thursday. We're having a dress rehearsal of sorts tomorrow night because the reviewer is coming. We'll also be short staffed at the studio with one of my colleagues taking vacation time. It could get interesting!

I will plan to the best of my ability and if it gets stressful, I'll be reaching out for support to help me through.

Weigh day is coming up on Wednesday. It will complete the first three weeks of maintenance. I'll take the number and use it to adjust. I'm pretty sure I've lost some more. I can feel it. And I'm not too worried about it. It will take me a bit to find my maintenance groove and that's okay with me.

I found a pair of size 32 waist Lucky Brand jeans in my closet. They were gifted to me a long while back. I tried them on and realized, I don't think I'll ever be a size 32. I kept them in case I somehow fit into them at some point. They fit over my behind just fine...but there's no way to button them...and since both sides were firmly against my hip bones, I doubt even excess skin removal surgery someday will put me into size 32. Size 34 waist? Possibly. Not 32. I laid them out so I'll remember to donate them to the Salvation Army. Someone is going to be very happy with these jeans!

My Tweets Today:

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