Today was all about getting prepared for a private stand-up performance. I met this morning with the company owner and a few key employees. They harvested some material ideas--things to help me write specialty material exclusively for them.
If I wanted to have a microphone (and I did!) and a sound system, I knew I needed to bring my own. I did. It's been six weeks since I moved this big setup--that was for my daughter's wedding. Today's load in and tonight's load out was reminiscent of the workout I received on May 30th. I knew this would be my workout today and tonight. It was a good one, burning over 650 calories according to Fitbit, over 200 more calories than I typically burn during an elliptical workout.
I spent most of my day going over ideas and working them out. I set up the equipment midday--then came back home to work some more. I planned my food very well. In fact, it was likely the most normal meal schedule I've had in a very long time. I prepared all three meals at home today.
I declined the invitation to arrive at the venue early for dinner. I could have easily navigated the food but really, I don't like to eat before performing anyway--so my plan was to simply sip water, do my set and be done. I did bring home some cold shrimp for my #lastfoodofday.
It was important for me to have a structured plan today. It was also important for me to have support interactions--and I did, with several of my support friends. Given the stress of preparing for a private gig, where normal stand-up material usually doesn't work well (they want to hear you make their company and their fellow employees the target of your material), the structure and intentional actions were golden and very necessary.
Overall it was a great experience. The company specific material went over real well. The little bit of regular material I used, didn't do too well except for a couple of things. It was an outdoor performance, so I'll consider it a success. Outdoor stand-up is a tough thing to do. Stand-up works best in a club with low ceilings and a lot of people crowded into a small space. It's all about energy level--and outdoors is a tough place to get that energy rolling.
I'm hitting the pillow and ready to sleep until I'm fully rested.
My Tweets Today:
Dark roast with sugar free hazelnut creamer (1tblspn per cup) 2 cups. Good Saturday morning! 60 cal.— Sean Anderson (@SeanAAnderson) July 11, 2015
This is going to be good...— Sean Anderson (@SeanAAnderson) July 11, 2015
Ham & Swiss Omelet. 3 egg whites/1 whole, 3oz thinly sliced ham, 2 slices natural swiss, 186g apple. 473 cal.— Sean Anderson (@SeanAAnderson) July 11, 2015
— Sean Anderson (@SeanAAnderson) July 11, 2015
Lunch in MFP...— Sean Anderson (@SeanAAnderson) July 11, 2015
Hot&Cool Tostadas. Bean (65g) N Provolone w/salsa & lght sr crm, Guac w/106g avocado+15g sr crm, 4.7oz orange. 497cal— Sean Anderson (@SeanAAnderson) July 11, 2015
A few things...— Sean Anderson (@SeanAAnderson) July 11, 2015
Dinner in MFP...— Sean Anderson (@SeanAAnderson) July 11, 2015
2 cups with dinner. #wateraccountability— Sean Anderson (@SeanAAnderson) July 11, 2015
8oz top sirloin w/side of sautéed sweet potato (275g), red onion & zucchini--with olive oil spray (4sec). 582 cal.— Sean Anderson (@SeanAAnderson) July 11, 2015
After dinner cup of coffee with sugar free hazelnut creamer (1tbspn). 30 cal.— Sean Anderson (@SeanAAnderson) July 11, 2015
1 cup water with ice. #wateraccountability— Sean Anderson (@SeanAAnderson) July 12, 2015
— Sean Anderson (@SeanAAnderson) July 12, 2015
1am Saturday night/Sunday morning coffee. Just got home. Beat. Relaxing with this. SF hazelnut (1tblspn). 30 cal.— Sean Anderson (@SeanAAnderson) July 12, 2015
9 shrimp brought home from party. #lastfoodofday 65 cal.— Sean Anderson (@SeanAAnderson) July 12, 2015
Thank you for reading and your continued support,