November 6th, 2015 So I Let It Be

November 6th, 2015 So I Let It Be

Today didn't go exactly as planned. My plan was to arrive in Stillwater by 5pm, enjoy dinner and arrive at the venue for my stand-up gig by 6pm. I became too busy at work to get away when I needed in order to make that plan work. Instead, I was rolling into Stillwater a little after 6pm, grabbed my go to meal in a pinch of almonds, banana and cheese--and still, my calories were too low.

I clearly didn't plan well. I decided to order something after my second set, only to find the kitchen at this hotel venue closed. It was frustrating. I decided to make the best of a less than ideal situation and wait to get some food until after the late show. That's what I did. It wasn't ideal to eat this late. I don't like to eat this late, but it was within my budget and I was hungry, so I let it be.

My stand-up wasn't too shabby tonight, considering these were my third and fourth sets of the last dozen years. It's really like riding a bike. And considering 75% of my material was brand new untested in front of an audience stuff, it was awesome.

I found myself doing the same things I once did in the middle of my "stand-up days," as I like to refer to them. I was immediately critiquing myself--and every bit. How can I refine, edit and get to the punch quicker? I finally reminded myself why I'm doing these sets and future sets. I'm not in pursuit of anything other than the pure joy found in doing the material in front of a live audience.

I did not want to get off stage after ten minutes. I wanted more time to work stuff out! I'm looking forward to tomorrow night's shows. This is a good experience ahead of a corporate stand-up booking on December 12th where I'm doing forty minutes.

I think I have a tendency to get over-confident. I pride myself on being able to adjust on the fly fairly easily--but today's experience proved I must make sure I'm a little better prepared.

I have a location broadcast from 11am-1pm tomorrow. It will be a much easier schedule. My early dinner plans shouldn't have an issue tomorrow at 5pm.

I'll let the tweets take it the rest of the way....

My Tweets Today:

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