November 19th, 2015 Two Maneuvers

November 19th, 2015 Two Maneuvers

I sincerely appreciate the support I received for yesterday's post titled "I Didn't Die." I'm really proud of that one. For anyone experiencing a dramatic transformation or even family and friends of someone who is quickly becoming physically unrecognizable, the perspective we choose determines so many important things. If you haven't read yesterday's post, please do.  

Today was a really busy day. Whenever I know a day like today is on the schedule, it requires special attention and planning. I had a good food plan worked out and shared my schedule/plan/concerns with support friends. These two maneuvers put me in a great position to have another successful day.

It was a successful day. I designated today a rest day from my workout.

I emceed a special fundraiser event at the high school this evening before running into the store for a few things--then home to prepare a fast dinner.

I'm hitting the pillow within minutes and letting the tweets take it the rest of the way.

My Tweets Today:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,