November 2nd, 2015 The Circumstance of Current Thoughts and Emotions

November 2nd, 2015 The Circumstance of Current Thoughts and Emotions

I took 3/4 of a personal day off from work today. It was necessary. I did go in for a little while this afternoon before heading to the store for a few things and then onto the Monday night conference call support group.

I'm incredibly excited about this ten week session. We have two open spots in the Tuesday night 8pm Eastern/5pm Pacific group. If you're interested, regular registration is closed--but I can get you in if you send me an email with your request to join.
Monday night is full!

I've learned how to navigate schedule changes and be okay. For me it goes back to my parallel streams philosophy: My Life Stream in the foreground and the Fundamental Elements Stream running in the background like a computer anti-virus program. 

Even still, an interruption in schedule requires me to be extra aware. I felt the need for increased awareness the first half of the day. I felt tilted. Like something wasn't right. I did two things in those moments--I sent a text to a support buddy describing this off-center feeling. This action immediately makes me feel better because suddenly I'm not alone in the circumstance of current thoughts and emotions. I have a team and I can bring them into this! And they don't mind, because I do the same for them when the need arises. And I embraced my fundamental elements a little tighter while the wind blew the hardest. I knew it would subside and the storm would pass. It did.

The second half was fueled by more fantastic support interactions, this time with me on the receiving end, then the group call, an amazing dinner and a fabulous workout.

This Monday ended up being nicely balanced after a seriously tilted start. That's a fantastic thing.

My continued recovery, maintenance and success isn't guaranteed. I understand this in a profound way because of my experiences with relapse/regain. I learn from watching others who have 5, 10, 20 and nearly 30 years of maintenance behind them. They have days that start like mine did today, too. Occasionally, we all do. And I know, without question, this is how they would have maneuvered their circumstance of current thoughts and emotions.

There's a popular phrase in recovery circles, "If you want what I got, you must be willing to do what I do." Part of my success in this turnaround from relapse/regain has been admitting that I do not "got this," or have anything "figured out." All I have is today, right now and my next good choice. That's truth. And releasing the "I got this" mentality is important, because with it--it erodes the need for anyone or anything. If "I got this" then why would I bother with most of my fundamental elements?

I proudly don't "got this." And my Fundamental Elements Stream will continue flowing a current directly under my Life Stream. One of my goals each day is to keep those streams in their own lane.

My Tweets Today:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,